D&D Elettronica Sas

D&D Elettronica


The D&D Elettronica Sas by Giorgio and Roberto Dante e C. is a company specialized in electronics.
The owner, since more than 30 years, deals with technical assistance, maintenance and installation of digital controls for pressbrake and shears.

D&D Elettronica Sas

Our services include:

Sale, repair and spare parts CNC DELEM
Retrofit CNC Delem
Repairs CNC Delem and monitor in 24/48 hours
Personnel training on the working of the controls
Technical assistance at your premises on shears and pressbrake

Repair / replacement / replacement of Delem monitors:
DA42, DA58, DA58e, DM54, DA61, DA64, DA65, DA69, DA21, DA21e, DA23, DA23e, DA24, DA24e, DA51,DA56, DA56s, DA52, DA52s, DA41, DA41s, DA65W, DA65We, DA66W, DA66We, DA69W, DA69We, DA65Re, DA66T, DA69T, DA58T, DA53T, DA65P, T3000VA.

Replacing Floppy Disk with emulators exclusively dedicated to Delem controls:
Saving datas and machine parameters on USB stick for Delem controls:
DA24, DA24e, DA65, DA69, DA58, DA58e, DA59, DA54, DA64.

Sale / Service / Repair / Replacement of components for Delem controls:
DA200, DA2000, DA42, DA58, DA58e, DM54, DA61, DA64, DA65, DA69, DA21, DA21e, DA23, DA23e, DA24, DA24e, DA51,DA56, DA56s, DA52, DA52s, DA41, DA41s, DA65W, DA65We, DA66W, DA66We, DA69W, DA69We, DA65Re, DA66T, DA69T, DA58T, DA53T, DA65P, T3000VA.

Sale / Service / Repair / Replacement parts for Delem controls:
DS04, DAC150, DA250, DAC310, DAC350, DAC360, DAC360s, DAC310T, DAC360T.

User manuals and installation of Delem controls:
DA200, DA2000, DA42, DA58, DA58e, DM54, DA61, DA64, DA65, DA69, DA21, DA21e, DA23, DA23e, DA24, DA24e, DA51,DA56, DA56s, DA52, DA52s, DA41, DA41s, DA65W, DA65We, DA66W, DA66We, DA69W, DA69We, DA65Re, DA66T, DA69T, DA58T, DA53T, DS04, DAC150, DA250, DAC310, DAC350, DAC360, DAC360s, DAC310T, DAC360T.

Sale / Service / Repair / Replacement of Delem modules:
DM-01, DM-02, DM04, DM05, DM101, DM102, DM102VA, DM103, DM103VA, DM104

Sale / Service / Repair / Replacement of Delem Mainboard DA65, DA69:
Mainboard 7404-004, Mainboard 7404-007, Mainboard 7404-010.

Sale / Service / Repair / Replacement of Front Panels, keyboard:
DA200, DA2000, DA42, DA58, DA58e, DM54, DA61, DA64, DA65, DA69, DA21, DA21e, DA23, DA23e, DA24, DA24e, DA51, DA56, DA56s, DA52, DA52s, DA41, DA41s, DA65W, DA65We, DA66W, DA66We, DA69W, DA69We, DA65Re, DA66T, DA69T, DA58T, DA53T, DS04, DAC150, DA250, DAC310, DAC350, DAC360, DAC360s, DAC310T, DAC360T, T3000VA.

Sale / Repair:
Relay card 18 DG 038703 / GB
Power supplier DAGI 059103
Interface card DG 08M51
Power supplier GK 028702
PLC board shears DG 209704
PLC board DG 029711
Expansion card PLC shear DG 249706
Relay Board DG 129503
Card XR DG 209202
FC card DG 200288
Power supplier DAGI 169603

Repair / Replacement
Heidenhain optical scales

Sale / Repair / Replacement
Hoerbiger valves and components

D&D Elettronica Sas

You can contact us for information and quotations at the following addresses:

Phone +39 039 9910130
Mobile +39 348 3971967
Email: info@dedled.com
Email: roberto@dedled.com
Email: assistenze@dedelettronica.com
Contact us on WhatsApp Contact us on WhatsApp
Contact us on Telegram Contact us on Telegram

D&D elettronica Sas by Giorgio and Roberto Dante e C. operates in the electronics industry for more than 30 years designing and producing all types of electronic equipment.
15 years ago it started to deal also with the project and the implementation of LED lighting systems.

Visit our web site totally dedicated to LED lighting systems at the following address: www.dedled.com